Energy Update December

Hey guys!

How have you been doing with the ascension journey recently?
Are you experiencing an inner transformation / change?

I have been feeling sick: flu like symptoms but I know this is much more than just the flu. I feel a big inner shift occurring and I literally feel energy moving in my body healing and integrating places that were still in pain. I also had a fever but not able to sleep. And yet feeling very tired. Congestion, headache and my spine being worked on. Overall feeling crappy.

December is the time for closure, an ending of everything that has been going on the past year. Memories / pain from the past are being brought forward to be seen / felt and released for one final time. Things that have been laying dormant beneath the surface waiting for the right time to come up and be faced.
This month can be very confronting for some, but also very insightful and if you surrender to it you will experience so much growth in a short time!
Even when something is painful, whether this be in an emotional / spiritual / mental / or physical way, it just means that it is ready to transformed into your power. Because when pain is accepted and loved it changes into your superpower. This healed part of yours is  your strength: it is like a huge ball of light that is integrated in your body so that you can feel it emanating in every cell of your being.This light is your authenticity and you will no longer be able to be swayed by illusions from the outside. You will be more confident and brave in standing and speaking your truth.
This is the transformation that is occurring for many of us. But by no means is this a walk in the park. You might experience physical symptoms from this upgrade because the past pain first has to be felt before it leaves your body. Emotions get stuck in organs, muscles, tissues, teeth, bones, and most of the time are inherited from the ancestors. At one time you have been clearing your personal childhood trauma’s but at this time you are clearing the deep unhealed parts of the ancestors that are stored in your body. So everything you go through can feel very deep, neverending and spinning out of control. Be aware of your emotions and thoughts as they will try to pull you down as you are going through this transformation. Even if you FEEL heavy and you feel a sense of desperation KNOW within your heart this is the ancestral pain speaking. You will feel their cries and their past pain but you are the warrior that came to release it through your body and consciousness. Nothing, absolutely nothing can stop this transformation. So be gentle on yourself because you are healing the pain that has lived through centuries and continued on to you. You are the one that is here to end this pain and therefore you are supported in all ways. Know that your ancestors, spirit guides and the universe is grateful for your work and that nothing you go through goes unnoticed. ASK for help and know that you are heard and, all requests are taken. Trust the universe because it is working through you and for you.

If you are having a hard time: reach out to friends that understand you and can gently bring you back into your heart where you can remember your truth. You are never alone and you are doing exactly what you are supposed to do. You can never go wrong or lose your way: you are taken care of.

I made this drawing when I was feeling better. Hopefully I can get back to being creative soon but for now it’s with huge ups and downs and only when I feel it flowing.


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