2023: what a ride!

Looking back on this year I can say that the theme for me was to find joy. The kind of joy that you feel when you know that each day is a gift and that being here on this planet is something to be grateful for. Joy is a feeling that I wish the whole world could feel because it makes being here worthwhile. That been said, the road to feeling joyus is challenging because so many old cultural, ancestral and societal beliefs pop up out of nowhere saying that in order to feel whole and happy you have to reach a goal. This is an illusion that causes us to feel seperated but that we are coming to see the truth of at this point.

I am grateful to have learned this year that joy has to do with reaching inward and uncovering the hidden potential that has always been there. I have tucked it away safely for protection and to feel safe. I have tucked it away so far I even forgot I had it! What a discovery it had been to know that I am actually a pretty awesome person. It is like uncovering a shining diamond that has always been there waiting to be seen. I had to build up the courage this year to accept my hidden emotions and to shed the aspect I created that protected me from feeling too much and being vulnerable. It was so prominent and so present throughout all of my life that I thought it was who I really was, but it was just a protection mechanism in place pretending to be everything I believed I wasn’t.

I have started to remember that I am all the things that I have admired in so many others. It is not a joke when it is said that we are mirrors to each other in every way possible. All the beautiful qualities I see and acknowledge in others are qualities that I have within myself. This year has been the year for me to acknowledge and embody these qualities which means I am integrating more of my soul essence into my body. With this happening I have started to feel more joy and also more peace because nothing is more whole than to feel who you really are.

The journey to uncovering who we are is a process of a lifetime, it’s something that we will continue to do so that we can help others to do the same. We are students and teachers at the same time.
We don’t have to wait to graduate in being a teacher in order for us to start living in happiness and to start shining our light.
We are growing, learning, healing, evolving all at the same time.
So if it is one thing I have learned this year is that true joy comes from fully accepting myself as I am on the inside. There is nothing more joyus than having the relief knowing that I don’t have to do anything or to be anyone else than I already am. This allows me to be present in the moment because I don’t need to strive to be more.

This year was full with challenges and it has been hard to see certain things about myself and to accept painful parts that I haven’t felt in a long time. But at the same time I feel more free than I have ever before. And this is what I wish for everyone: the freedom to be themselves exactly as they are because this is where true happiness lies.

I am thankful for the lessons and the discovery that 2023 has brought to me and I am looking forward to see what 2024 has in store. Though undoubtedly it will be a rollercoaster of somekind I have a good feeling we will feel stronger than ever before.

Thank you for reading and following website. I wish you all the joy and freedom that you already have in your hearts. ❤️

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