When the comfortzone gets too comfortable you know it’s time to get out.

Hey everyone! I haven’t been active very much nor have I been drawing much either. But this message just came through because this is what I am doing myself at the moment. It isn’t easy and it is sometimes uncomfortable but it has to happen. Not because it should but because deep down inside it is what my soul wants despite the fearful beliefs that sometimes pop up.
My inner voice is becoming stronger than my fears each day. I hope this message helps you because I feel this is meant for all of us to hear.
Big things are coming and it’s time to let go of anything that makes us stay in one place. Enjoy!

I channeled Paul Walker and this is what he has to share:

“Life has its ups and downs and with moments you will be faced with challenges. Sometimes certain things might even seem scary.
If a new experience scares you and you are inclined to say no to something that is unknown and unfamiliar then you know you have gotten too comfortable at the place you find yourself at.

Life isn’t about staying in the same lane and doing the same thing over and over again. You didn’t come here to repeat cycles: you came here to break them.
So when a new opportunity presents itself and you feel resistance then push through. Don’t deny yourself a new experience because you will deny yourself growth. Your soul craves to grow, learn and expand. That’s what you came for after all. Nothing that comes your way is too big for you or too scary for you to handle. You got this, you got whatever is coming your way.

So ask yourself this question: are you in your comfortzone and staying safe in your lane? How about you take a different route and see a different scenery? One that has completely different things to offer and who knows: it might pleasantly surprise you.

The bottomline here is: don’t let yourself be too cozy in the familiar zone. Expand and GROW. You have so much potential, you’ve got so much more to see and experience. Take that leap into the new and unknown. You’ve got nothing to be afraid of. Any insecurities you have will all disappear once you take the step to get out of this pond of comfort. It’s become too limited and too small for you. It’s time to get out of it and get out there. You’ve got the whole world waiting for you and you’ve got nothing to lose.

Take a leap of faith and trust life. You are part of a bigger scheme. Everything is working in your favor and you gotta know that you’ve got back-up.
Now more than ever is the time to trust your path and what is ahead of you. No small steps, no small thinking, no small anything!
You are guided through it all but it is YOU who has to take the step and jump.
Don’t forget the power that you have and don’t let your thoughts talk you out of what you feel in your heart. It is always right, you just gotta listen and the road ahead will open up for you just as it is supposed to.”

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